Sep 19, 2022

How can you protect your lawn from the effects of dog urine?

How can you protect your lawn from the effects of dog urine?
David Keane
Serving orange county residents

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How can you protect your lawn from the effects of dog urine?

There are many options available to dog owners who struggle with the effects of their urine on their grass. It is of note that female dog urine is generally stronger than males, so this may provide context on what measures you will take, in order to help your situation.

Things to understand:

Dog spots are not caused by certain breeds of dogs.

The darker areas of your lawn could potentially be due to the greater volume of urine from larger dogs. Smaller breeds will sometimes produce spots too, especially if they tend only potty in a limited area!

Here are some solutions:

Dilute the urine spot—immediately.

Some have found the combination of dishwashing liquid and water to be effective in diluting dog urine. Measure out roughtly 1 part mild dishwashing liquid with 8 parts of water. Then apply generously to the damaged area.

Use a dog marker tool.

Visit your local pet store. Usually these will sell plastic dog markers that have components which attract dogs to them. Make sure you mark an area that you do not mind your dog going to in order to urinate. In our personal opinion, this is not the best option, since many markers have low consumer ratings—so make sure you do your research to find a good one!

Plant a tough grass.

Some grasses are less sensitive than others when it comes to dog urine. So while looking for a grass that is suitable for your region, also make sure that it can remain strong after being hit with dog urine—like Zoysiagrass. Still though, it would be good to dilute any spots that you see your dog repeatedly going to.

Install synthetic grass.

Synthetic grass will not become damaged by the effects of dog urine… but it might become smelly if you do not keep it clean. There are products that absorb dog urine and take away the smell that you hate, such as "Zeofill." In addition, you can also use certain products with your water sprayer to deodorize your lawn. When you search for the right synthetic grass, look specifically for those designed for dogs. These allow for proper drainage into the soil when your dog urinates on it.

Train your dog with a special grass tray.

Some companies, like "Porch Potty," specialize in special grass trays that attract your dog to them—instead of your lawn. Some have options that allow you to use synthethic grass, or real grass, which can be shipped to you on a regular basis. The more expensive versions also have built-in sprinkler systems that rinse away dog urine to a designated location, immediately after the dog has left the tray.

Give your dog a urine supplement.

Go to your local pet store and usually they will supply special supplements, like "Grass Saver," that you can add to your dogs diet. These supplements are sometimes in "treat" form and they neutralize the high levels of nitrogen in their urine.

Walk your dog.

This is the least expensive option and probably the best—plus you get to spend quality time with your dog and you both will get some exercise. Yes… walk your dog!


With these tips, you can rest assured that your lawn will be safe from any damage caused by dog urine. So sit back, relax, and enjoy your beautiful lawn all summer long!